모집 인원: 2 người

수평: Nhân viên

봉급: Thoả thuận

경험: Dưới 1 năm

섹스: Không yêu cầu

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업무 설명서

- Follow the lesson plans and materials provided to VNTs.
- To adapt prescribed lesson plans when necessary based on the learners’ needs.
- To deliver dynamic and communicative lessons that are effective and engaging to the students.
- To prepare lesson plans and materials for occasional lessons, such as projects, Cambridge, or other extenuating lessons outside of the standard coursebook and curriculum.
- Undertake essential administrative tasks, such as keeping up-to-date records of work, classroom registers, lesson plans, assessments, etc. as directed by the Centre Manager, Academic Manager, or Senior Teacher in accordance with the requirements.

작업 요구 사항

- Bachelor’s degree
- 6.5 IELTS level (or equivalent; mock test at the centre will be provided for candidates)
- CELTA/TEFL/TESOL preferred

직업 혜택

- Salary based on experience and qualifications

- Professional training is provided by the Teaching and Learning Management Team

- On-going development opportunities

- Working in a cross-cultural, dynamic and professional environment

- Expanding network and refreshing energy with ILA social events

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마감 시간: 03-06-2024

무료 후보 신청 클릭


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동일한 작업

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