Business Development Manager - JinJoo Home


전망: 158

갱신일: 04-05-2024

위치: Ho Chi Minh

범주: 컨설팅 / 고객 서비스 부동산 다른

수평: Quản lý / Trưởng phòng

봉급: Trên 20 triệu

교육: Khác

섹스: Nam / Nữ

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업무 설명서

- Plan & oversee business development efforts for JinJoo in assigned areas / clusters with a goal to on-board high-quality apartments on to JinJoo network
- Identify new apartments that meet JinJoo standards in terms of location, pricing, infrastructure quality, owner willingness etc. and pitch JinJoo‘s partnership proposal
- Negotiate JinJoo commercial agreement with interested apartments and sign-up rooms/partnerships
- Strengthen relationship with existing apartment owners & other relevant stakeholders
- Collaborate with other teams in JinJoo such as operations, marketing, pricing, customer support, finance etc. to ensure smooth functioning of apartments on day-to-day basis.

작업 요구 사항

- Proficient in communication and negotiation skills
- Proficient in building and maintaining relationships
- Proficient in time management and planning skills
- Fluent in English or Chinese

연락 정보

접촉: Phòng Nhân Sự

주소: 106 Bis Nguyễn Văn Cừ, Phường Nguyễn Cư Trinh , Quận 1 , Hồ Chí Minh , Viet Nam

마감 시간: 03-06-2024

무료 후보 신청 클릭


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동일한 작업

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