전망: 135

갱신일: 04-05-2024

위치: Dong Nai

범주: 회계 / 감사 머천다이징 / 구매 / 공급망

수평: Nhân viên

봉급: Thương lượng

교육: Cao đẳng

섹스: Nam / Nữ

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업무 설명서

- Check fabric/ pocketing/ interlining balance sheet on excel file to confirm pre-book on vtl bom for both saitex vn & la system

- Check & lock sale order on mis for both saitex vn & la system

- Compare the quantity between vtl and blk bom before release new mo to avoid ordering 2 times

- Compare item code/ consumption... Between tech pack and blk bom before release new mo to avoid buying wrong materials

- Up-date new item code/ adding extra quantity for bulk production after mo released to production

- Make sure that merchandiser dept must be reduced or deleted vtl old season bom from system before confirming bom for bulk to avoid two times order

- Make compare bom calculate between sap & plm to avoid wrong data on mo after re0-generate

- Make sure stock confirmation from saitex la before confirming for booking process new order to avoid our inventory increasing

작업 요구 사항

- Bachelor’s degree in business or a related field may be required.

- Experience as an international purchaser/ audit merchandiser or relevant work experiences.

- Proficient computer skills, microsoft office (word, outlook, and excel)

- Good in english is advantage

연락 정보

접촉: HR

주소: Lô 225, KCN Amata , Thành phố Biên Hòa , Đồng Nai , Viet Nam

마감 시간: 03-06-2024

무료 후보 신청 클릭


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