IT Communicator - JLPT N2

Công ty TNHH Transcosmos Vietnam

Lượt xem: 123

Ngày cập nhật: 01-05-2024

Địa điểm: Hồ Chí Minh

Ngành nghề: Biên phiên dịch

Vị trí: Nhân viên

Mức lương: 18 triệu - 23 triệu

Trình độ: Cao đẳng

Giới tính: Nữ

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Mô tả công việc

- IT Communicator position to support website manufacturing for the Japanese market (Website operated by a Japanese company)

- Communicate in Japanese with the person in charge of the Japanese project related to website manufacturing.

- Reciprocate, contact the person in charge of the Japanese side via email, phone, chat, etc.

- Manage project progress, check product quality.

Yêu cầu công việc

- Japanese language level equivalent to N2 or higher.

- Having experience in an IT Communicator or BrSE position at a Japanese company is a plus

- Preference will be given to applicants who meet one of the following conditions:

+ More than 1 year of experience studying or working in Japan.

+ More than 3 years of working experience in Japanese enterprises, often communicating with Japanese superiors or Japanese assistant positions.

Thông tin liên hệ

Liên hệ: Phòng nhân sự

Địa chỉ: 15 Floors, TTC Building, 253 Hoang Van Thu, Ward 12 , Quận Tân Bình , Hồ Chí Minh , Viet Nam

Hạn nộp: 31-05-2024

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