BACKEND LEAD ENGINEER (Ruby on Rails, PHP Laravel, Node.js)

CareerLink's Client

Lượt xem: 221

Ngày cập nhật: 14-04-2024

Địa điểm: Toàn quốc Hồ Chí Minh Hà Nội

Ngành nghề: IT - Phần cứng/ Mạng IT - Phần mềm

Vị trí: Nhân viên

Mức lương: 2,000 USD - 4,000 USD

Trình độ: Cử nhân

Giới tính: Nam / Nữ

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Mô tả công việc

- Developing web applications with Ruby on Rails, PHP Laravel, Node.js...

- Manage an engineering team of less than 10 people with the task of developing and designing a web application which is used in the construction industry.

- Participate in the documentation process, requirements analysis, design, deploying, code reviewing, unit testing and operating the product.

- Discuss, propose solutions for the team and manage the progress of members.

- Lead the team to accomplish the company’s goal and mission.

- Training, support and motivate team members.

- Problems solving(technical and human).


- Salary is up to $4000, bonus twice a year.

- 13.5 months’ salary per year.

- Excellent working environment. Flexible working time that supports work-life balance (Core time: 9:00 -15:00; 5 days/week from Monday - Friday). Just focus on work output, no micromanagement, and no staff control.

- Core i7~/16GB~ RAM/512GB~ SSD/RTX Graphics Card Windows Laptop and 29’’/4K Monitor for all staff.

- Participate in insurance and annual health check-up program.

- Large, modern office with open workspace.

- Stable and long-term job. We develop our own world-class products

- Working at Ha Noi: Tòa nhà Charmvit, 117 Trần Duy Hưng, Phường Trung Hòa, Quận Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội

and Ho Chi Minh : working at home

- Time working : 9:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday.

Yêu cầu công việc

- More than 3 years experience working as a Backend Developer( Ruby on Rails, PHP Laravel, Node.js...)

- Cloud AWS experience is required.

- Pull Request-based development with Git

- Excellent troubleshooting skills.

- Experienced in managing team with at least 3-5 people, excellent leadership, and a high sense of responsibility.

- English skill (Simple communication, Reading, Writing)

Thông tin liên hệ

Liên hệ: Ms. Chi Hương

Địa chỉ: Phòng 307, DMC Tower, 535 Kim Mã , Quận Ba Đình , Hà Nội , Viet Nam

Hạn nộp: 14-05-2024

Bấm để nộp hồ sơ ứng tuyển miễn phí

Nộp hồ sơ

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