Customer Care Operation Supervisor


Lượt xem: 125

Ngày cập nhật: 04-05-2024

Địa điểm: Toàn quốc Hồ Chí Minh

Ngành nghề: Khác Tư vấn - Chăm sóc khách hàng Tài chính/ Ngân hàng/ Chứng khoán

Vị trí: Trưởng nhóm / Giám sát

Mức lương: 15,000,000 VND - 20,000,000 VND

Trình độ: Cử nhân

Giới tính: Nam / Nữ

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Mô tả công việc

- Maintain ongoing customer care service at PHS
- Set up the standard of customer care service for each specific service category & apply it to the daily tasks of customer care staff.
- Manage & Improve service operation quality via training, bringing technology into the business processes.
- Take responsibility for cooperating with related departments in the company to solve the customers’ issues outside the common standard and update the team members.
- Take responsible for staff management & reports.
- Other tasks as assigned by the line manager.

Yêu cầu công việc

- A passionate, service-minded & hands-on skills
- Must have at least 3 years of working experience in Vietnam Securities Companies or foreign-invested securities companies is a plus
- Good at using English (communicating & writing reports are must-haves)
- Have experience with using & operating customer issues via CRM or any customer relationship management platforms before.
- Logical thinking & tech-savvy are also what we prefer.

Thông tin liên hệ

Liên hệ: Mr. Long Hồ

Địa chỉ: Tầng 21, Phú Mỹ Hưng Tower, 08 Hoàng Văn Thái, Phường Tân Phú , Quận 7 , Hồ Chí Minh , Viet Nam

Hạn nộp: 03-06-2024

Bấm để nộp hồ sơ ứng tuyển miễn phí

Nộp hồ sơ

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