Compensation & Incentive Officer


Lượt xem: 103

Ngày cập nhật: 01-05-2024

Địa điểm: Hồ Chí Minh

Ngành nghề: Tài chính/ Ngân hàng/ Chứng khoán Bán hàng

Vị trí: Nhân viên

Mức lương: 10 triệu - 16 triệu

Trình độ: Cử nhân

Giới tính: Nam / Nữ

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Mô tả công việc

- Analyze business activities of business units within the Company.
+ Analyze business operations data of business units make assessments and recommend changes.
+ Based on analyzed actual data to develop new policies for the Brokerage Division.
- Market analysis
+ Conduct market analysis, competitor research, and customer segmentation to identify growth opportunities and market trends.
- Coordinate with divisions/departments at Head Office to support the Brokerage Division to operate effectively.
+ Work as a bridge between the sales department and the office department to support business development.
+ Record information related to unusual situations or changes at the branch and report to the direct manager so that the company can provide timely responses and full support to brokers and branches.
+ Coordinate with IT to create/delete/change IDs for Brokers/Collaborators.
- Monitor and evaluate the performance of the brokerage team.
+ Evaluate the business results of internal brokers and send them to human resources for performance evaluation.
+ Give opinions on promotion/demotion/position retention and salary increase/decrease/maintenance.
+ Coordinate with the Human Resources Department to make recommendations to the General Director on issuing reminder, warning, and termination letters to brokers who do not achieve monthly targets.
- Monitor the operation of the trading system
+ Monitor and receive feedback on stock trading system operations.
+ Coordinate with relevant blocks/departments to ensure the stock trading system operates smoothly and effectively.
- Write/update procedures and policies of the Brokerage Management Department.
- Other tasks are assigned

Yêu cầu công việc

- Bachelor of Finance major.
- Have experience in the stock market
- Proficient in office
- Good logical thinking
- Good sense of metrics/data
- Good communication skills.
- English communication.
- Can work under high pressure.
- Experience in Compensation & Incentive position
- At least three years of experience in the fields of finance, securities, and banking

Thông tin liên hệ

Liên hệ: Mr. Long Hồ

Địa chỉ: Tầng 21, Phú Mỹ Hưng Tower, 08 Hoàng Văn Thái, Phường Tân Phú , Quận 7 , Hồ Chí Minh , Viet Nam

Hạn nộp: 31-05-2024

Bấm để nộp hồ sơ ứng tuyển miễn phí

Nộp hồ sơ

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